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ASUS is a brand name that, over the years, has become well known in the highly popular world of motherboards and video cards. ASUS has time and time again produced high quality computer solutions, creating quite a reputation for the ever-growing company. It is therefore no surprise that many major computer and electronics companies turn to ASUS for OEM solutions. They know what AnandTech readers have known for some time now: the ASUS brand name can deliver. It is thanks to this reputation that ASUS is one of the top three motherboard manufacturers in the world.

The question that loomed over ASUS and some other companies a few years ago was what to do next? There is only so much growth a company can do when already at the top producer in their given field. The plants are in place, the engineers present, and the possibilities endless. What the company needed was a market to enter next, a way to continue to grow. The solution that such companies came to: diversify your products and solutions, entering new markets. In the case of ASUS, one area that the company turned to was the IA market.

So what went on behind the scenes at ASUS to expand the company from one of the top three motherboard manufacturers in the world to a company that is also showcasing one of the most innovative and exciting products we saw at Computex 2002? We sat down with the VP of ASUS' mobile division, to discuss the whys and hows of ASUS' growing line of mobile solutions, specifically the future of their PDAs.

ASUS' PDA: MyPal A600
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