
It's back! After a summer vacation and countless requests, the AnandTech Weekly Price Guides are back in full effect. The Guide has received a few changes but its goal remains: to give you the best deals on the hardware you want to buy. As usual the Guide is broken into two parts: CPU & Video Cards and Memory & Motherboards. This week we have our second Weekly CPU & Video Card Price Guide since the return.

We select vendors to appear in our Price Guides based on two requirements: solid consumer feedback and having the lowest possible pricing. You'll notice that these vendors aren't paying us to be listed here; we do not accept requests to be listed here. We have tried to eliminate vendors with low feedback rating, but we do encourage you to do your own research before purchasing from any of these vendors.

With the new and improved Price Guides we have not only increased our standards when evaluating online vendors, but we have also partnered up with our friends at CNet to offer yet another service to you all. Using CNet's search engine we can provide you with an additional pool of vendors to search from that are checked up on by CNet. You can wade through those results by clicking on the CNet Pricing link in the second to last column on the right.

If there are any problems with the guide or a vendor's pricing changes dramatically then be sure to email the author listed at the top of the page and we'll take appropriate action. Remember that although some vendors may be cheaper, we only list those with generally positive feedback from a decent number of consumers. As usual, if you have any questions, comments or suggestions feel free to email us or post in the AnandTech Forums.


Also be sure to check out AnandTech's Hot Deals Forum for even more great CPU, video card and other technology buys.


AnandTech does not endorse any vendor listed in the following price guide. AnandTech does not sell positions on the Price Guide. AnandTech nor any of the vendors listed in this guide guarantee the prices presented in the following pages.

This Week

This week we've seen the continued downward trend in CPU and video card prices. The introduction of the Athlon XP 1900+ made the rest of AMD's line even more affordable and we're finally seeing more competitive prices from the Pentium 4 processors. ATI's Radeon 8500 has fallen in price even more and with the release of the new drivers for the card it is becoming even more attractive but as we'll discuss in this guide, some issues still remain.

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