With the addition of some of the older players to the high end gaming solution test bed from part 1 of this series, the options grew considerably. The 1600 x 1200 resolution still proved to be the high-end territory, however the resolution to watch is 1024 x 768, so let's see how the older competitors stacked up.

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The good ol' Voodoo2 SLI combo is still packing quite a powerful punch at 1024 x 768, even with 3dfx's OpenGL ICD. The latest ICD drivers from 3dfx prove to be higher performing, more stable, and better overall than even the Voodoo3's ICD. The improved Savage4 drivers place it above the old Rage 128 and TNT, with the Matrox G200, using its recently released final OpenGL ICD taking up the back with the slowest overall performance. Keep in mind that although the G200 is the slowest out of this pack, it does compete among the best in terms of image quality. Let's see what happens at lower resolutions...


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The Test K6-3 450 High End Performance Recap Continued
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