AnandTech DAS Suite - Benchmarking for Performance Consistency

Our testing methodology for storage bridges / direct-attached storage units takes into consideration the usual use-case for such devices. The most common usage scenario is transfer of large amounts of photos and videos to and from the unit. Other usage scenarios include the use of the unit as a download or install location for games and importing files directly from it into a multimedia editing program such as Adobe Photoshop. Some users may even opt to boot an OS off an external storage device.

The AnandTech DAS Suite tackles the first use-case. The evaluation involves processing five different workloads:

  • AV: Multimedia content with audio and video files totaling 24.03 GB over 1263 files in 109 sub-folders
  • Home: Photos and document files totaling 18.86 GB over 7627 files in 382 sub-folders
  • BR: Blu-ray folder structure totaling 23.09 GB over 111 files in 10 sub-folders
  • ISOs: OS installation files (ISOs) totaling 28.61 GB over 4 files in one folder
  • Disk-to-Disk: Addition of 223.32 GB spread over 171 files in 29 sub-folders to the above four workloads (total of 317.91 GB over 9176 files in 535 sub-folders)

Except for the 'Disk-to-Disk' workload, each data set is first placed in a 29GB RAM drive, and a robocopy command is issue to transfer it to the external storage unit (formatted in exFAT for flash-based units, and NTFS for HDD-based units).

robocopy /NP /MIR /NFL /J /NDL /MT:32 $SRC_PATH $DEST_PATH

Upon completion of the transfer (write test), the contents from the unit are read back into the RAM drive (read test) after a 10 second idling interval. This process is repeated three times for each workload. Read and write speeds, as well as the time taken to complete each pass are recorded. Whenever possible, the temperature of the external storage device is recorded during the idling intervals. Bandwidth for each data set is computed as the average of all three passes.


The 'Disk-to-Disk' workload involves a similar process, but with one iteration only. The data is copied to the external unit from the CPU-attached NVMe drive, and then copied back to the internal drive. It does include more amount of continuous data transfer in a single direction, as data that doesn't fit in the RAM drive is also part of the workload set.

Audio and Video Read

The transfer sets involving the RAM drive (none of which transfer more than 29GB of data in the same direction) show both SSDs performing in a similar manner, with no significant gulf in the numbers between the different units. For all practical purposes, the casual user will notice no difference between them in the course of normal usage. However, for the disk-to-disk writes (involving 300GB+ of continuous writes), we see the ArmorLock coming in at 893 MBps compared to the 708 MBps for the G-DRIVE SSD. This points to some factor - either thermal throttling or different amounts of SLC cache or simply lower direct-to-TLC write speeds in the latter. Ppower users may want to dig deeper to understand the limits of each device. To address this concern, we also instrumented our evaluation scheme for determining performance consistency.

Performance Consistency

Aspects influencing the performance consistency include SLC caching and thermal throttling / firmware caps on access rates to avoid overheating. This is important for power users, as the last thing that they want to see when copying over 100s of GB of data is the transfer rate going down to USB 2.0 speeds.

In addition to tracking the instantaneous read and write speeds of the DAS when processing the AnandTech DAS Suite, the temperature of the drive was also recorded. In earlier reviews, we used to track the temperature all through. However, we have observed that SMART read-outs for the temperature in NVMe SSDs using USB 3.2 Gen 2 bridge chips end up negatively affecting the actual transfer rates. To avoid this problem, we have restricted ourselves to recording the temperature only during the idling intervals. The graphs below present the recorded data.

AnandTech DAS Suite - Performance Consistency

The first three sets of writes and reads correspond to the AV suite. A small gap (for the transfer of the video suite from the internal SSD to the RAM drive) is followed by three sets for the Home suite. Another small RAM-drive transfer gap is followed by three sets for the Blu-ray folder. This is followed up with the large-sized ISO files set. Finally, we have the single disk-to-disk transfer set. As noted in the graphed values earlier in this section, there is not much difference in the behavioir of the transfer sets involving the RAM drive. However, we see lower direct-to-TLC writes after running out of SLC cache in the G-DRIVE SSD - around 650 MBps compared to the 875 MBps of the ArmorLock SSD. The thermal performance of the G-DRIVE is praiseworthy - with a peak delta of 13C during the course of this workload. We were unable to gather specific temperature information from the ArmorLock SSD, but the absence of thermal throttling in the graph above indicates that the unit's aluminum core is able to do its job without any issues.

Synthetic Benchmarks - ATTO and CrystalDiskMark PCMark 10 Storage Bench - Real-World Access Traces
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  • Sivar - Tuesday, October 12, 2021 - link

    I have had a good experience with the 500GB model for Tesla Sentry Mode. It "just works", though is probably overkill.
  • Foeketijn - Wednesday, October 13, 2021 - link

    I just want to say, I really appreciate the indepth reviews on this site,
    Just the pop-out videos are making me avoid Anandtech.
    It's not even in my chrome preferred websites homepage I noticed.
    It's been my almost daily visit for more than 10 years now.
  • TheinsanegamerN - Wednesday, October 13, 2021 - link

    Imagine not using an adblocker in 2021.
  • logoffon - Friday, October 15, 2021 - link

    Imagine telling people to install an extension that will eats RAM as much as the browser itself in 2021.
  • Ryan Smith - Wednesday, October 13, 2021 - link

    I hear you on the videos.

    I wish I could give you a more useful answer, but the long and the short of it is that our publisher is happy with them. (So long as they're behaving correctly, at any rate)
  • Sivar - Friday, October 22, 2021 - link

    I have periodically disabled ad blocking on Anandtech to better support a site I believe in.
    3 seconds later: NOPE.
    It's just too in-your-face and distracting. I cannot read while lights are flashing and trucks are driving on the side panel. Text ads FTW.

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