The Processors

To complete the brand new Quad FX platform AMD is introducing three new processors today: the Athlon 64 FX-74, FX-72 and FX-70, running at 3.0GHz, 2.8GHz and 2.6GHz respectively. Each physical processor features two cores and a 1MB L2 cache per core, much like previous dual core FX processors, but what sets these CPUs apart from previous FX chips is that they are sold in bundles of two. So when you buy an Athlon 64 FX-74, you are actually buying two dual-core CPUs in a single box. It's not the most elegant way of getting four cores, but it gets the job done and AMD manages to do so at a competitive price. Note that these CPUs are effectively Opterons but with the memory controller configured to support un-buffered DDR2.

The Chip

Core 2 Duo (left) vs. Athlon 64 FX-74 (right), AMD's first LGA desktop CPU

AMD's pricing structure, including the new Quad FX processors, is as follows, with Intel's upper echelon CPUs thrown in for comparison:

CPU Clock Speed L2 Cache Price
AMD Athlon 64 FX-74* 3.0GHz 1MB per core $999
AMD Athlon 64 FX-72* 2.8GHz 1MB per core $799
AMD Athlon 64 FX-70* 2.6GHz 1MB per core $599
AMD Athlon 64 FX-62 2.8GHz 1MB per core $713
AMD Athlon 64 X2 5200+ 2.6GHz 1MB per core $403
Intel Core 2 Extreme QX6700 2.66GHz 4MB per 2 cores $999
Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600** 2.40GHz 4MB per 2 cores $851
Intel Core 2 Extreme X6800 2.93GHz 4MB $999
Intel Core 2 Duo E6700 2.66GHz 4MB $530

* Note: These processors come in pairs of two, pricing is for both CPUs
** Note: The Core 2 Quad Q6600 is an unreleased CPU and will be introduced in January 2007.

So for $999 you can either get two dual core 3.0GHz AMD processors, or a single quad core 2.66GHz Core 2 Extreme QX6700. Later we'll figure out which is indeed faster but it seems that AMD's pricing is at least competitive.

The Roadmap

When we first heard that Quad FX wasn't going to be Socket-AM2, we couldn't help but feel that AMD was introducing yet another Socket-940 into the mix. Is there really a future for Quad FX or is it nothing more than a stop-gap solution until native quad-core CPUs arrive?

The Socket

AMD has already committed to supporting two quad-core CPUs in current Quad FX platforms, so there's at least an upgrade path well into 2007, but what happens afterwards?

AMD's most recent roadmaps show continued support for Quad FX throughout 2007; in fact, the highest clock speed AMD CPUs will always be Socket-1207 parts (3.0GHz today and then 3.2GHz by Q2 '07). It looks like AMD is transitioning the Athlon 64 FX line to be exclusively for the Quad FX platform, leaving all other chips for AM2.

The Platform The Test
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  • JarredWalton - Thursday, November 30, 2006 - link

    Why is it that just putting the other 2 cores on the same package reduces power consumption so much?

    It doesn't. Core 2 Duo uses less power than Athlon FX-62, so two of them are going to use less than two FX-62 (or whatever) chips. Now, adding the second socket also adds additional voltage regulation circuitry, so the second socket will increase the power load, but I don't think the second socket accounts for more than a 20W power increase, and probably more like 10W.
  • Slaimus - Thursday, November 30, 2006 - link

    The odd thing for this platform is that the single CPU is actually really cheap versus comparable products. If only server boards can take these CPUs.
  • Beachboy - Thursday, November 30, 2006 - link

    I wonder how many diehard AMD enthusiats will want to split a set of these "quads".
  • mino - Friday, December 1, 2006 - link

    Count me in!

    IMHO enthusiast forums are will be full of guys sharing the CPU purchase... :)
  • peternelson - Friday, December 1, 2006 - link

    Very likely eg I would and thought of that, knowing the guys on forums I frequent ;-)

    The other option is just buy two motherboard/systems and put each of the paired cpus into each one.
  • rqle - Thursday, November 30, 2006 - link

    Best case scenario.
    100% price reduction in mainboard
    Assume these FX cpu perform as well as QCore
    Price it Similar to Performance
    Major Power Reduction
    Assume it a windows error =/ , no clue why you would run server software and e-commerce over softwares/games on this platform

    I still have a very hard time recommended this setup to an enthusiast. Already have a hard time reaching 3.0ghz, it going to have a very hard time going just 10% beyond that. The upper limit of AMD cpu doesn’t impress me right now. Cheapo Intel Core 2, with an overclocker in mind seem to have more potential.
  • photoguy99 - Thursday, November 30, 2006 - link

    I generally agree with your logic -

    But even your best case scenario is impossible because two 90 process CPUs have never come close to the power comsumption of a single 65 process CPU at the same performance.
  • mino - Friday, December 1, 2006 - link

    Depends. EE X2's are more efficient than C2D's. Even performance wise.

    Not even comparing IDLE C'n'Q and EIST enabled ....
  • Anonymous Freak - Thursday, November 30, 2006 - link

    Of course they'll sell more FX processors now than before. There was literally nothing to differentiate them before, other than clock speed. That, plus now they'll sell two for every computer built with them.

    But, I have a feeling that the FX processors are going to be even more niche than they were before. Before, it was at least a high end normal processor. Someone could buy a midrange system, and upgrade to an FX later. Now, you have to decide up front that you're going to pay a fortune for the computer. Presently, I have an el-cheapo $99 motherboard that I put my old Pentium 4 in. If I want, I can slap a Quad-Core Core 2 Extreme in there. I can't do that with AMD's setup.

    I'm not an Intel fanboy, either. The only reason I even have the Pentium 4 is because a friend gave it to me free when he upgraded his system. I was perfectly happy with my laptop and my AthlonXP 1700+. But a free 3.8 GHz processor is a free 3.8 GHz processor. I went and bought the cheapest motherboard and memory I could find. Spent about $200, and I can upgrade to quad core anytime I want. (Although I'll probably upgrade from the onboard video to a decent PCI-E card first.)
  • photoguy99 - Thursday, November 30, 2006 - link


    Of course they'll sell more FX processors now than before

    I don't know man, why would they sell any more?

    To sell more someone would have to buy this "Ford Excursion" of a system. But who is going to buy this?

    What boutique shop is going to even sell it?

    Is there one single person here who is planning to get one?

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