Hi-Val 2x24x2 CD-RW Drive

by Ga'ash Soffer on December 20, 1998 6:06 PM EST


So, how does the HI-VAL drive measure up? Performance is just as expected, the time taking to burn an entire CD just around the 37 minutes it should take. So far, all the CDs I have burned have completed successfuly; however, I have only tried one CD-RW burn. The software is a big plus, as is the 2MB buffer size. The $200 pricetag is perhaps the biggest advantage.

There were two major problems I've encountered with the Hi-Val 2x24x2 drive. First of all, its inability to rip audio at 24x. Secondly, while running the Hi-Val recording software, the entire system slows down to a crawl. Even if the software is just running idly, you'll need expert marksmanship to get that mouse where you want it to go (well, it's not THAT bad).

Performance 80%
Quality 65%
Software 90%
Price 90%
Value 85%


Audio Ripping, The Software
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